Writer’s Note: Anna Ziegler, PHOTOGRAPH 51
I was so thrilled to learn that PHOTOGRAPH 51 would be produced at the venerable Ensemble Theatre. I have yet to get to Sydney myself, but I’m glad one of my plays will precede me.
I very much hope you enjoy the play – this one is near and dear to my heart. I wrote it when I was in my 20s and it’s taken me on an incredible and unpredictable journey, both around the world and into a previously inaccessible world of science. Because of this play I’ve met movie stars and stars of biochemistry and physics; most impactfully (and surprisingly) I met a number of the scientists depicted in the play and also many members of Rosalind Franklin’s family. It’s all been a gift. But I also can’t forget this play wouldn’t exist if not for the incredibly inspiring scientist at its center, a woman whose life lends itself to drama in part because it ended so tragically. Needless to say I’d trade it all to bring her back.
– Anna Ziegler
Playing 2 Sep – 8 Oct, don’t miss this gripping drama inspired by Rosalind Franklin’s pursuit of science.