Video: Bayly’s Bites | Gnocchi recipe
It’s been a crowd favourite at Bayly’s Bistro for a long time, so it’s only fair that on this episode of Bayly’s Bites, Head Chef Nathan Jackson spills his secrets on how to create the perfect gnocchi at home! Paired with a lovely and light spring sauce, it’s time to get cooking. Find the recipe below!
1kg floury potatoes
50g finely grated parmesan
2 egg yolks
110g flour
Finely chopped mixed soft herbs
To serve:
Grated parmesan
Your choice of blanched spring greens (asparagus, broad beans, peas)
Unsalted butter
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line two baking trays with baking paper and sprinkle them with flour.
Wash the potatoes, and, with the tip of a knife, score a circle in the skin without cutting much flesh, about 5mm deep. This will make it easier to break them apart once cooked. Bake directly on a rack for approximately 1 hour, or until soft in the centre. Break the potatoes in half and press the flesh through a drum sieve or put through a ricer.
Weigh out 500g of potato flesh into a bowl. Add the parmesan, egg yolks, herbs and a pinch of salt and mix with a spoon. Add the flour and fold in gently, being careful not to overmix. Turn the dough out onto a floured bench. Divide into fourths, then roll each into a thin log. Cut into 2cm pieces, then place the gnocchi carefully on the prepared trays.
In a separate pan gently fry greens in butter. Remove from heat and put to the side.
Cook the gnocchi in batches in some lightly simmering salted water. Wait until they float, then give them another 20 seconds before lifting out and adding back into your pan with the greens.
Toss gently then plate.
Garnish with finely grated parmesan then serve.
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