Writer & Director’s Note: Mark Kilmurry, OUTDATED
Nowadays everyone is trying online dating and it got me thinking… what would it be like to start from scratch and find love the second time round, but with all the faults of getting older? Online dating has changed over the years, it used to be a hushed secret but now it’s refreshingly normal, with no stigma attached. Dating apps can be overwhelming and, like everything, you have to work at it. With flaws and all, how do you present your best side? How do you impress if you don’t feel very impressive? And for a person of a nervous disposition, how painful is that first date? What if you could hear your date’s thoughts and worries? How different is their inner voice to the outer one presented? And so the concept of OUTDATED developed. I needed two exceptional actors to bring this production to life and I’m thankful Rachel and Yalin said yes. Without their commitment and good grace over the last couple of years, OUTDATED would be just words. Thanks to them, the creative team and all at Ensemble who helped make this first date real.
– Mark Kilmurry, Artistic Director
Playing at Ensemble Theatre from 5 Mar – 17 Apr